Jessica Alba

The Religion and Political Views of Jessica Alba



Grew up a Catholic. Later, she became Evangelical and eventually atheist.

Political Views

She's an active Democrat.


Jessical Alba grew up in California with a white mother and a Hispanic father. Her household was what most Hispanic households are–Catholic.[1]

Too slutty for God

Because of her mixed ethnicity, Alba turned away from Catholicism and joined an Evangelical born-again Christian church where she felt more accepted, but just as she had risen to stardom, she left her new-found church because, as she puts it:

Older men would hit on me and my youth pastor said it was because I was wearing provocative clothing, when I wasn't. It just made me feel like if I was in any way desirable to the opposite sex, that it was my fault, and it made me ashamed of my body and of being a woman.[2]

Now she is rumored to be an atheist.[3]

I wanna be a politician when I grow up

Alba is very politically active. She donates money and is active in a wide range of political causes, including Obama's 2008 campaign so we can safely assume she's a Democrat. She has also supported such famous causes as Habitat for Humanity, the Nature Conservancy, and the International Fund for Animal Welfare as well as various children's charities.

Alba has even said she'd like to be a politician someday:

I used to think being a marine biologist would be the best thing ever, but now that I've grown up and seen things in the world, I think politics. Advocating and lobbying for certain issues would be a pretty interesting way to live your life.[4]

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