AnnaLynne McCord was born in Atlanta, Georgia and grew up in Buford, Georgia.
McCord appears to be a sort of quiet Christian. First of all, McCord's father is a Christian pastor (denomination unknown, though Baptist seems a reasonable assumption) and McCord grew up reading the Bible for two hours a day.[1]
For the most part, McCord seems preoccupied by her work and her political views (forthcoming, of course) and doesn't get too much into religion.
However, she visited Israel with a flock of fellow stars of the small screen, and during a debriefing interview, her Christian background–and emotions–came to the fore. She spoke of visiting historical Christian sites, returning to her hotel room and listening to a powerful song:
The lyrics talked about the scars in his hand and I was imagining Mary, his mother, and today being Mother's Day… and thinking about her and how she walked beside him… And I thought about myself. What if I was there? What would I be thinking and doing?… And then it just washed over me. I realized he did all of this for me, for us.[2]
That sounds like some serious devotion to me.
Politicizing rape
McCord is a Democrat. And she found herself an expert of sorts on an issue that took center stage during the 2012 elections–rape. McCord is a victim of rape herself,[3] and understandably found the rhetoric surrounding the issue to be quite offensive.
Consequently, and mostly via her Twitter feed, McCord kept up a sustained attack on Republicans during election season, particularly the ones who had commented on rape. For example, of Todd Akin, she said:
Republican, six-term Tea Party backed Missouri Congressman Todd Akin who, during a live television interview, when asked about his views on rape and abortion said: 'If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.'[4]
It's interesting, not an explicit condemnation, just the facts–as if they speak for themselves. We are asked to wonder: Legitimate rape? Is that a thing?
Naturally, she supported Obama. And when he won, she tweeted:
Omg!!!!! Aaaaaahhhhh!!!![5]
Not strikingly eloquent, but the point was made.
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