Ben Shapiro

The Religion and Political Views of Ben Shapiro

👇 Below is evidence of Ben Shapiro's politics and beliefs.

Political Affiliations

Criticizes Communism

14 Jul 2021

In a tweet

Communism is a public health crisis

Social Justice

Doesn't Believe in Gender Pay Gap

Criticizes Biden

26 Mar 2021

In a video on his Youtube channel

So when Joe biden is not incoherently babbling about illegal immigration he’s incoherently babbling about the supposed pay gap now the pay gap is one of the most overwrought ridiculous things in american public life the notion that women are being paid less for the same exact work is not backed by statistical evidence. The reality is that the pay gap is almost entirely a creation of differentials in work hours in jobs chosen it is a differential in time taken off from the workforce women tend to take more time out of the workforce because they want to be home with the kids in many cases the basic idea that a woman works an hour a man works an hour exact same job exact same credentials and so the woman gets paid less is just silly it it actually is not true.

Political Affiliations

Criticizes Trump

4 Nov 2020

In a tweet

No, Trump has not already won the election, and it is deeply irresponsible for him to say he has.

Political Affiliations

Supports Trump

19 Oct 2020

In a video on his Youtube channel

I did not vote for Donald Trump in 2016, but I will be voting for him in 2020.

Death Penalty

Pro Death Penalty

16 May 2019

In a tweet, when someone asked why 30 States still have death penalties

Because you can forfeit the right to life if you take another life, just as you can forfeit your right to liberty (this is called prison) by infringing on the liberty of another.


Against Green New Deal

7 Feb 2019

In an opinion piece for The Daily Wire

Whoever wrote the proposal is, to put it kindly, dense. Idiotic. Moronic. […] How bad is the Green New Deal paper? Putting aside the fact that, as written, it would receive a C+ in any high school English class, it essentially articulates a magical world in which the skies rain chocolate, the world is powered by unicorn farts, and AOC dances through the gumdrop meadows to Lisztomania. […] My two-year-old son could come up with a better, more realistic proposal than this one. It’s not actually much of a competition.

Climate Change

Climate Change Believer

Criticizes Media

9 Oct 2018

In a tweet

I see the idiots already crawling out to say I'm a climate change denier. I have not and do not deny climate change or even that human activity impacts the climate through emissions. I do question the catastrophic headlines and insane panic attacks.


Against Plastic Straw Ban

Criticizes Government Efficiency

27 Jul 2018

In an opinion piece for Newsweek

Now, is such a straw ban necessary? Not really. The oft-cited statistic that suggests that Americans use 500 million straws per day is utterly nuts, and based on the research of a nine-year-old. Seriously. Five countries are responsible for 60 percent of all plastic waste dumped in the ocean: China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, according to a study released by Ocean Conservancy and McKinsey. The United States ships a lot of our waste plastic to China for recycling, for example, and China then reportedly dumps it in the ocean. [...] But it doesn't make us feel good to spend time on actual problems. It makes us feel special to plaster "SAVE THE WHALES" bumper stickers on our Priuses and withhold our approval from bendy straws. It gives us that little surge of do-gooderism, with little actual sacrifice—except from businesses that will have to pick up the cost of buying more expensive alternatives. Will all of this have any major impact on the environment? Of course not, just as Mayor Michael Bloomberg's soda ban fizzled out.

Political Affiliations

Criticizes Obama

Praises Trump

10 May 2018

In a tweet

Trump having himself an amazing week. As always, all he had to do was think “What Would Obama Do?” And then do the opposite.


Pro Limiting Immigration

2 Aug 2017

In a tweet

I’m all for limiting legal immigration on the grounds that we don’t need people who will be likely to end up on welfare. But the economic “raising wages” argument is no better than the argument for minimum wage. Artificial attempts to limit the labor supply by regulation achieve their goal, but also make business less competitive. This leads to outsourcing and technological change that actually kills jobs in the medium-long term. So if you’re going to make the argument to limit legal immigration, do it on cultural and/or public cost grounds, not jobs grounds.
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