👇 Below is evidence of Debra Messing's politics and beliefs.
On her Instagram
Happy EVE of International Women’s Day! I’m so thrilled and honored to spend it with 3 sheroes - Secretary Hillary Clinton, Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Judge Lina Hidalgo. We will talk about electing more women into Congress and in local politics, reproductive rights, ratifying the ERA, and where these leaders believe we should begin. Become a member of @onwardtogether. Join us! @hillaryclinton @team_pelosi @linahidalgotx
In a tweet
‘I should have gotten the damn vaccine,' Father of 5 texts before dying of COVID 39 YEARS OLD. DEAD. RIP. #vaccinateNow
On her Instagram
I DID IT!!! I am FULLY VACCINATED!!! THANK YOU to EVERY researcher, doctor, nurse, first responder, governor, member of the Biden Administration for making this happen so quickly! 20% of the US is vaccinated! :star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star: Let’s keep it up everyone! Grab your friend, your family members, and go get your vaccination a soon as you can! The quicker we get it, the quicker we can return to work, school, weddings, ball games, plays, concerts, family reunions~-all the things that bring us joy, and make us feel part of a larger community.
In a tweet, referencing a tweet she made where she said "I Hope [Trump] Become ‘Most Popular Boyfriend’ In Prison"
I'd like to say I have been an LGBTQIA ally for decades, and I was in no way referencing LGBTQI/queer love/sexuality. It is not my proudest moment, but 45 has victimized 100s of millions of ppl; I had wished the tables turned on him. I apologize for the offensive way I did it.
Political Affiliations
Criticizes Trump
Supports Biden
Supports Universal Healthcare
22 Oct 2020
INSTAGRAM.comOn her Instagram
This Election is about HealthCare This election comes down to one key FACT: To the Trump & GOP, healthcare is a privilege. To @JoeBiden & the Democrats, #HealthcareIsARight. In the middle of a pandemic, there is no more salient difference between the parties. Please share this with your loved ones & friends. #healthcare #ACA #preexistingcondition #bidenharris2020 #joebiden #kamalaharris #trump #trump2020
In an interview with Glamour
I grew up as one of three Jews in my very small town in Rhode Island, and we were the target of anti-Semitism. Our big lights at the end of our driveway were constantly broken with bats over and over and over again. My grandfather had a swastika painted on his car. So I was very aware from a very young age that I was different and that what I was was not good, and people didn’t like me. It took a while for me to not be scared and not to feel shame about being Jewish. I went to Brandeis University, which I think is the most Jewish university in all of America. I don’t think you will find a place that has more Jewish kids. So coming out of that, I felt like, “You know what? I know who I am and I’m not going to apologize for it".
In an interview with ET
Have I always been this political? No, not at all. I really think that when I became global ambassador for HIV/AIDS through the NGO Population Services International about 12 years ago and I started traveling to sub-Saharan Africa and then coming back and testifying on the Hill to try and procure money for these preventions and other treatments, I think that was when it really sort of clicked into me that, you know, people have needs. And we have this government that we can go and try to get support from and, obviously I’m not a congressperson, but as someone who is a public person, I was given this platform that’s a privilege and so, I really just try to use my platform for good. […] It is surreal. I honestly thought I was being punk’d when I first saw it. But it really was absurd, because I felt like, well, I’m nobody. Like, why [is Donald Trump] talking about me? Why are you talking to me? Why can’t you be talking about the children who are in cages right now? So my response was to encourage him to focus on the things that really mattered and I really wasn’t one of them.
On her Instagram
I AM FOR JOE BIDEN. ‬ ‪Here’s why: -Joe is a UNIFIER -SC shows that the African American community, which has always been the :heart: and soul of the Dem Party, trusts Joe. -Joe has NEVER voted to protect gun manufacturers instead of our children. ‪-Joe believes in science.‬ ‪-‬Joe’s health care plan builds on Obamacare with an affordable public option. ‪-Biden will passionately campaign for Democratic candidates running for Senate/MOC AND I believe with Biden our down ballot Dems will be most protected. ‬@JoeBiden #weknowjoe To be CLEAR: I am BLUE for no matter who wins the nomination. I will campaign my heart out to elect the Dem nominee. :us:
In a tweet
I think we can all agree about this: we do NOT need the government trying to tell us what to do with our bodies. Whether you’ve had an abortion or not, that right is about FREEDOM, and no politician should be able to take that away!!! #reproductivefreedom
In an interview with the Seattle Times, remembering her Jewish community center memories
That was a big part of my parents’ identity, and by proxy, mine. […] It was something I was proud of. I felt it was an opportunity to represent, and ‘Will & Grace’ became known for representing marginalized people, mainly those in the LGBTQ community. That was at the forefront of our discussions: How can we represent in a more progressive way?
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