👇 Below is evidence of Gigi Hadid's politics and beliefs.
On her Instagram
I voted absentee last week with my daughter next to me, for an America I want her to see; but not just for us- for fellow Americans that are less privileged, with hope for a nation that is unified, that is empathetic, & for a leader that is compassionate. YOU HAVE A WEEK AND A HALF IF YOU’RE VOTING EARLY IM PROUD OF YOU. IF YOU MAILED IN YOUR ABSENTEE BALLOT I’M PROUD OF YOU. (&& if you dropped it off at your County’s Board of Elections Office or at an Early Polling Site I’m proud of you!!) IF YOU’RE GOING TO THE POLLS ON NOVEMBER 3RD I’M PROUD OF YOU. Whatever your PLAN, I’m proud of you; make sure you have one !!! Let me know below
On her Instagram, along with a picture of Black Lives Matter pamphlets
Just learned from @museummammy that in the US, up to 50% of people killed by the police are disabled. Source: @disabilityisdiversity -This is where defunding the police, or ‘moving the money,’ is of such importance. Police should not be first responders to calls that they are not experts in: mental health crisis, addiction-related issues, the homeless, the disabled, etc. -A great example @cleowade shared with me this week, 1 of 5 calls to 911 are for mental health crises; therefore, 1/5 of the funding for the police force should be transferred towards community mental-health support. Some noteworthy numbers via @campaignzero @iamderay @samswey -There were only TWENTY SEVEN DAYS in 2019 where police DIDN’T KILL SOMEONE. (see graph) -Meanwhile, for the past 20 years, only 5% of arrests made are for violent crime. -levels of violent crime in US cities does NOT determine rate of police violence. (see graph) -Police violence resulting in death that does not include a gun is NOT included in regular press databases.
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