Machine Gun Kelly

The Religion and Political Views of Machine Gun Kelly

👇 Below is evidence of Machine Gun Kelly's politics and beliefs.


Black Lives Matter Activist

4 Jun 2020

On his Instagram, along with a video of him singing "Killing in the Name"

they wrote this song in 1992 it’s been 28 years since, and every word still applies. #RageAgainstTheMachine #ProsecuteKillerCops #BlackLivesMatter @travisbarker


Black Lives Matter Activist

30 May 2020

On his Instagram, along with a picture of him in a Black Lives Matter protest

justice soon...


Distrusts Elections

Disencourages Voting


19 Oct 2015

In an interview with DJ Suss One

I’ve got anarchy tattooed on my stomach so you won’t see me voting unless the people have a real voice, which they don’t. [...] I do think they count the votes I just don’t think they f*****g matter. [...] Whoever got the most money is on top.

Political Affiliations


9 Sep 2012

In an interview with GlobalGrindTV

I’m an anarchist, I don’t believe in the government, I don’t believe in what the government does for us.
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