Martin Freeman

The Religion and Political Views of Martin Freeman

👇 Below is evidence of Martin Freeman's politics and beliefs.

Political Affiliations

Supports Labour Party

13 Aug 2015

About his support of Jeremy Corbyn

I happen to think he is the most impressive one of the four [candidates]. I respect all of them because I wouldn't do it and they are all on my team but he is the most impressive as an individual.

Political Affiliations

Supports Labour Party

15 Mar 2015

During the 2015 UK general election

Really, for me, there's only one choice, and I choose Labour

Religious Beliefs


Catholic Background

20 Nov 2009

In an interview with The Daily Mail, talking about his Catholic background

My first moral touchstone was Jesus. So how about that for an uphill struggle? Jesus, Gandhi and Martin Luther King - anything less than that and you're failing. It's ridiculous, but I also know it's true of myself.

Religious Beliefs

Catholic Background

17 Apr 2005

Martin Freeman went to a Catholic secondary school

Religious Beliefs


16 Apr 2005

When asked about religion

I'm not a practising Catholic or I wouldn't be living unwed with a woman, and I don't think all poofs are going to hell, and I don't think everyone who's had an abortion is damned, most of my friends are atheists and I understand atheism, I get it, but I happen to be a theist. I believe in our answerableness to something else. You're not the only c**t in the world
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