He was an interview with Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson so he’s a Christian
Political Views
Maxime Bernier is the founder of the PPC; the party has been variously described as conservative, libertarian, right-wing populist, classical liberal, far-right, and alt-right
👇 Below is evidence of Maxime Bernier's politics and beliefs.
On a GETTR post
The Liberals are subsidizing an “anti-racist” consultant who turns out to be an anti-Semitic and Francophobic racist. Not surprising when you consider that they also fund an “anti-hate” network, the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, which spreads hate.
In a tweet
“Would you feel safe now, bringing your suicidal loved one to seek medical care for recovery when there are no oversight or stringent safeguards surrounding a procedure that kills people?”
Criticizes Trudeau
Against Children Transitioning
Against Ukraine Aid
Against COVID Guidelines
19 Aug 2022
TWITTER.comIn a tweet
Kill more people than you save with lockdowns Euthanize the sick who require costly treatment Allow late-term abortion Mutilate kids with gender dysphoria Escalate deadly war in Ukraine WE ARE GOVERNED BY A DEATH CULT
On a Facebook post
“NDP MP wonders if we still need indoor ice rinks given climate impact” Do we still need the NDP, given all the carbon dioxide they exhale every time they open their mouth to say stupid things?
On a Facebook post
The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms filed over 14,000 pages of evidence as part of an ongoing legal challenge on behalf of the Honourable Brian Peckford, the Honourable Maxime Bernier, and four other Canadians, to strike down Ottawa’s travel ban.
In a tweet
I can't believe I have to say this. Canadians who make legitimate personal health decisions shouldn't have to deal with death threats from journalists. Yes @theJagmeetSingh, death threats against EVERYONE are absolutely disgusting.
In a tweet
More people are raising concerns and asking questions about “transitioning” minors with gender dysphoria. We should help them accept their body, not push them to mutilate it as the radical trans lobby wants.
In a tweet
5th, and then 6th, and after that 7th…, just as I predicted. When they impose vaccine mandates and passports again, two shots won’t be enough, you will need to be “up to date.”
In a GETTR post
There has been a lot of talk about how radical feminism harmed men and women. This is encouraging. In 2018, I told a surprised CBC journalist that I am not a feminist. Why? Because I believe in people and I’m working for all Canadians, whatever their identity.
In a Facebook post
As I said in the spring, Western sanctions on Russia are backfiring on Europe and benefitting Russia instead. We’re governed by idiots. We should work for a negotiated peace instead of supporting this stupid war that’s not in our interest.
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