👇 Below is evidence of Robert Sheehan's politics and beliefs.
In a tweet
You know what I’d love lads / lasses ? To go to shop, and for everything not to be wrapped in bastard single use plastic. It’s demoralising. And it’s killing us lads. It’s destroying our oceans #goplasticfree #plasticpollution #plasticfree
On his Instagram
Peace, love and dignity - to all ❤️ #blm
In a tweet
right now, countries across the world are planning to bailout climate destroying industries & banks that fund them.Big Business and Climate Destroyers instead of People& Planet. This breaks the #ParisAgreement
In a tweet
Well then Donald, it’s probably high time you acknowledged #climatechange as a legitimate threat to the lives of American people.
In a tweet
Donald Trump discusses 'grabbing (women) by the p----' What a fu*%ing creep #DonaldDrumpf
In a video on Twitter, regarding a referendum on the legalization of same sex marriage
Hello guys, Robert Sheehan here saying vote YES for gay equality […] If you vote No, you’re saying that gay people shouldn’t have the same rights as straight people and you’re basically homophobic, so vote yes
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