Shawn Mendes

The Religion and Political Views of Shawn Mendes

👇 Below is evidence of Shawn Mendes's politics and beliefs.


Black Lives Matter Supporter

27 Nov 2021

On his Instagram

I feel sick to my stomach. Hearing the sound of his voice crying for help is bone chilling and it f*****g breaks my heart. I’m so sorry that this injustice keeps happening. I can’t imagine what life dealing with racism so constantly is like. As a white person, I not only recognize that this is a problem but that I am a part of the problem. That it has long due been time to not only ‘not accept’ racism but to become anti-racist. That all of us that are in the majority can’t sit idle any longer while the minority are suffering. It’s time for ALL humans to demand change. This needs to be EVERYONE’S fight. We need to start to really listen to & help amplify black voices. To make their struggles known and to reject racism. It’s time to take action on that feeling in your heart that knows how wrong this is. This can NOT be the world our children of the future live in. The time for change is long overdue & we can’t rest until change is what we get. Please follow some of these resources to get more info on how you can take action: @colorofchange, @thedreamdefenders, @blklivesmatter, @aclumn, @mnfreedomfund.

Climate Change

Climate Change Activist

23 Sep 2021

Shawn Mendes signed an open letter asking Congress to pass President Biden’s Build Back Better Bill.

Political Affiliations

Supports Biden

7 Nov 2020

In a tweet, on the day of the presidential election, when Joe Biden won

Great day !!!
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