Tom Holland

The Religion and Political Views of Tom Holland

👇 Below is evidence of Tom Holland's politics and beliefs.

Political Affiliations


9 Feb 2021

In an interview with Esquire

I sometimes think that a twenty-four-year-old kid shouldn’t be telling people how to live their lives or how to be politically if they don’t themselves understand massively what is going on in the world.


Black Lives Matter Supporter

29 May 2020

On his Instagram

Whenever a video like this emerges, apologists for police brutality are wheeled out to explain. Extenuating circumstances blah blah blah. Nothing excuses this. Absolutely nothing. The police involved in this incident are contemptible as is anyone who defends their actions. RIP George Floyd. Whilst your family's loss is forever, I hope your death is a kernel for change and that all decent people see to it, that it is. Text FLOYD to 55156 to make a change!
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