Beto O'Rourke

The Religion and Political Views of Beto O'Rourke

👇 Below is evidence of Beto O'Rourke's politics and beliefs.


Black Lives Matter Supporter

9 Aug 2019

In a tweet

Five years ago, Michael Brown was shot dead by a police officer. In the years since, we’ve heard too many names, too many similar stories, to count. In each, we are reminded of an idea as urgent, and as ignored, today as it was when Michael was killed: Black Lives Matter.

Death Penalty

Against Death Penalty

25 Jul 2019

In a tweet

Abolish the death penalty.



29 May 2019

In a tweet

Above all else, immigration is about people. Living in and representing El Paso has allowed me to see the incredible contributions that immigrants make to our communities every single day and I want to share a few of their stories with you: Carlos is an immigration attorney. This picture was taken the day he became a US citizen, which he told me was the best day of his life. It took him 18 years to become a citizen because of our outdated and broken system. We need to fix that. Our plan does.

Climate Change

Climate Change Believer

16 Oct 2018

In a tweet

Climate change is the defining existential threat of our time. Beto believes Texas should take the lead in confronting it head on. It’s how we’ll meet our responsibilities to those of future generations.



23 Aug 2018

In a tweet

First in wind power and first in solar potential. With our proud history as an energy producing state, Texas continues to lead the way.


Supports Cheaper University

13 Apr 2018

In a tweet

Shouldering students with massive debts they can’t pay back isn’t just bad for them, it’s bad for Texas. $1.4 billion of student loan debt is more than 90 days past due in Dallas County alone. We need to make higher ed more affordable for all Texans.
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