Darla Crane

The Religion and Political Views of Darla Crane

👇 Below is evidence of Darla Crane's politics and beliefs.

Women's Rights



21 Jul 2022


Darla Crane describes herself as a feminist and liberal in her Twitter bio.

Political Affiliations

Criticizes Republicans

12 Jan 2018


In a tweet

No matter how conservative your personal political dogma is, if you support the actions of the current GOP you're either one cruel m**********r or you're so deeply in denial that you may be beyond hope.

Political Affiliations

Possibly Democrat

Criticizes Right-Wing

2 Dec 2017


In a tweet

Political #misogyny is definitely alive and kicking. I've made it very clear that tweeting rightie propaganda at me will get you #BLOCKED yet, every single time I RT @SenWarren or @SenKamalaHarris, at least a few a******s feel compelled to reply something stupid about them to me.
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