Maxime Bernier

The Religion and Political Views of Maxime Bernier



He was an interview with Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson so he’s a Christian

Political Views

Maxime Bernier is the founder of the PPC; the party has been variously described as conservative, libertarian, right-wing populist, classical liberal, far-right, and alt-right

👇 Below is evidence of Maxime Bernier's politics and beliefs.

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of Speech Advocate

Criticizes Social Media Censorship

16 Mar 2022

In a video on Rumble, discussing the move from Youtube to Rumble

Information and knowledge, discussion and debate, these things are being more and more restricted by big tech corporation. Information that threatens the elite and narratives are actively removed, and dissidents are canceled.


Against COVID Guidelines

16 Feb 2022

In a video on Rumble

They told us masks, social distancing, lockdowns and curfews would be imposed temporarily until vaccination. Another lie. Remember, they told us the lockdown would stop the spread of the virus. It was the first time in history that we confined a healthy population to fight a virus. This experiment turned out to be ineffective and extremely costly.


Criticizes Black Lives Matter

Criticizes Trudeau

Possibly Against COVID Guidelines

Criticizes Media

10 Feb 2022

In a video on Rumble

The BLM organization is run by self-described communists, and BLM demonstrations in summer 2020 led to rioting, arson, destruction and physical injuries in many North American cities. And yet, Mr. Trudeau went to kneel at one such demonstration here in Ottawa. And the media covered it as legitimate protest. In contrast, Mr. Trudeau has been nothing but vicious and vindicative in his attacks against opponents of COVID mandates and restrictions in general, and the truckers convoy even though they have been entirely peaceful and nonviolent.


Against COVID Guidelines

8 Feb 2022

In a tweet

An honest and courageous Liberal MP criticizes his leader’s covid measures and defends Freedom Rally demonstrators! Bravo @JoelLightbound!


Criticizes Conservative Party of Canada

3 Feb 2022

In a video for Rumble

I left because that party is morally and intellectually corrupt.


Against Children Transitioning

3 Dec 2021

In a video on Rumble talking about a bill banning conversion therapy

It will make it a lot more difficult to help kids suffering from gender dysphoria. In some canadian schools today, boys and girls are being taught that they may actually not really be boys and girls. And when they get confused about their gender identity, instead of helping them accept their body and gender, they are being encouraged by a growing trans industry of psychologists and surgeons to start transitioning. Eventually, they are offered hormones and surgical procedures. Many of them grow up to regret it. Without this, most of them would've become healthy heterosexual, gay or lesbian adults.


Criticizes Trudeau

Possibly Against Climate Change Action

Criticizes Socialism

Freedom of Speech Advocate

Anti Immigration

27 Nov 2021

In a video on Rumble

Parlament resumes this week and Trudeau reveals his action plan. I can tell you there's nothing new with this socialist government. We'll have more intrusions into exclusive provintials jurisdiction, with our national child care program. More censorship with legislation that will regulate online content. More mass immigration with an increase in the number of refugees and elderly immigrants. And more spending with a recovery program that will cost one billion dollars. As inflation continues to reach new highs each month and everyone gets poorer, Trudeau's priorities are climate change and the imposition of more restrictions on our rights and freedoms.


Against COVID Guidelines

29 Oct 2021

In a video on Rumble

Canadians who didn't get their two vaccines are losing their jobs. This idea that vaccine passports are necessary to create a safer workplace is not based on science, because we know that anyone, vaccinated or not, can catch the virus and spread it. Imposing a vaccine passport is an irrational and discriminatory policy.

Political Affiliations

Criticizes Liberals

4 Feb 2019

In a tweet

Liberal arrogance and virtue-signalling on world stage has alienated all major powers. MARIN: “A little more modesty and diplomacy would have got us much further than lecturing and wagging our finger as if we’ve got a sense of superiority.”

Political Affiliations




21 Jan 2019

Bernier positioned the People’s Party to the right of the Conservative Party; the party has been variously described as conservative, libertarian, right-wing populist, classical liberal, far-right, and alt-right.

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