He was an interview with Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson so he’s a Christian
Political Views
Maxime Bernier is the founder of the PPC; the party has been variously described as conservative, libertarian, right-wing populist, classical liberal, far-right, and alt-right
👇 Below is evidence of Maxime Bernier's politics and beliefs.
Maxime Bernier created the People's Party of Canada, a conservative party with a focus of fighting for individual responsibility and opposing government intervention.
In a tweet
I thought the ultimate goal of fighting discrimination was to create a colour-blind society where everyone is treated the same. Not to set some Canadians apart as being “racialized.” What’s the purpose of this awful jargon? To create more division for the Liberals to exploit?
In a tweet, talking about a Motion calling on the Government of Canada to condemn Islamophobia in Canada
Proud to have voted against M-103 today in Parliament. Everyone should have the right to believe in or criticize any religion.
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