Pat O'Brien

The Religion and Political Views of Pat O'Brien

👇 Below is evidence of Pat O'Brien's politics and beliefs.

Religious Beliefs


15 May 1949

In an article written for GuidePosts

Faith, the way I see it, is believing in God no matter how you reverently express your belief—no matter what church or temple you attend. Faith is part of a man’s heart, and all of his soul. Every spiritually minded man has a feeling of love for his religious faith and heritage and I feel the same about mine, for the Catholic Church has meant a great deal to me. Others who have worked for us for fourteen years are Baptists. They too are extremely religious; they, too, have a true faith. They always have been proud of their strict adherence to their beliefs. So our entire household is blessed with the gifts of faith, each in his own way. You can feel its presence.
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