Regé-Jean Page

The Religion and Political Views of Regé-Jean Page

👇 Below is evidence of Regé-Jean Page's politics and beliefs.


Advocates Against Racism

17 Dec 2020

In an interview with The Guardian

Roots was a massive responsibility because it is this foundational text in the States and it also resonates fairly strongly with pretty much any black community globally. I was made to watch this as a kid in Zimbabwe because this is a global history – one that we are still reckoning with, even if the British can try to detach themselves from that legacy of colonialism and slavery. As British people, we don’t often face what our role in history is. We’re only just beginning to do that. Storytellers have an incredibly important role in confronting that and continuing the conversation. We have to keep up the momentum, since we are beholden to our audiences to give them something of value and importance.


Thinks School Keeps People Ignorant

4 May 2020

On The Wesam’s World podcast

I’m aware there was I think was last year where I think was the state of Texas tried to rebrand slaves as migrant workers in your history textbooks […] That’s where you come back to education because I think often the agenda is behind is about keeping people ignorant enough to serve your agenda without knowing that they are.

Freedom of Speech

Believes in Limited Freedom of Speech

Possibly Pro Hate Speech Censorship

4 May 2020

On The Wesam’s World podcast

I think it’s important for culture academia everything to go to those scary shadowy extreme places in order to understand them, identify them and reject them if that makes any sense […] but then the other side of that [liberty of speech] is that it must be done with responsibility. You can’t simply say things for the sake of exercising your right of freedom of speech.


Advocates Against Racism

19 Feb 2019

In a tweet

It’s #BlackHistoryMonth, and I find myself building a new character for work - a smiling, charming, singing, dancing young man living brightly in a particularly traumatic historical period in America.

Identity Politics

Against Labels

7 Mar 2017

In an interview with The Fall magazine

I want to break down the boundaries of what is considered normal, and do away with labels – gay, straight, brown, white…


Advocates Against Racism

Criticizes British Colonialism

1 Jun 2016

In an interview with The Interview Magazine

Zimbabwe’s one of the youngest countries in the world, it became independent from British colonialism in the 1980s. In America, you can still feel the echoes of slavery, and Zimbabwe is very much feeling the echoes of British colonial rule. It’s very hard to craft an identity in that environment as a young, mixed raced man. I learned from the age of three that I was a walking political statement. Just by walking around with my face, I was saying, “My parents did a fairly revolutionary thing that pisses off some of you.” You learn that how you act associates you with certain groups. I remember there was a really nice nursery school fairly close to us; my mum took me along and there wasn’t enough room, and then my dad took me along and there was enough room. [...] Roots is not huge in London, but it depends on who you talk to. In the States it’s a little more ubiquitous. In the U.K., if I talk to any of my friends with a bit of melanin, they’ll know what I’m talking about. If I’m talking to my white friends, they won’t. You get more of a straight down divide in the U.K. I expect that it’s because we’re a little better at the whole PR exercise around that particular part of history in the U.K. We’re quite happy to go, “That’s an American story. We came in at the end and saved everyone because we abolished slavery in the U.K. so we’re the heroes,” which is actually complete bullshit. We’re very happy not to associate ourselves.

Women's Rights


6 Jul 2014

In a tweet, along with a drawing

"You don't look like a feminist." "WATCH OUT - we disguise ourselves as HUMAN BEINGS!"
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